Studio Rental


Request to hold up to 5 days of studio rental for free*

*View booking policy below for more info


Request to book a studio rental*

*View booking policy below for more info



Hold: We will reserve up to 5 days of studio rental for you at no cost. We will hold your reservation until 48 hours before the shoot’s scheduled start time. If someone else requests to book on one of the dates you have on hold and is ready to pay, they may challenge your hold. In this situation, we will notify you and you will have 24 hours to confirm your booking or release your hold.

Book: We will confirm the availability of the studio for your requested date(s) and send you an invoice. Upon receiving payment, the booking will be confirmed. Bookings can be cancelled until 48 hours before the shoot’s scheduled start time for a 50% refund.

Want to tour the studio before committing to a rental? Contact us and we will be happy to show you around the space.